The Save Record Ridge Action Committee (SRRAC) is a public interest organization of residents and business owners in Rossland and the surrounding areas impacted by the proposed Record Ridge magnesium mine. Formed as a voluntary association in May 2023 and incorporated as a registered society in British Columbia in January 2024, SRRAC aims to protect the ecological integrity and other values of Record Ridge and its vicinity through grassroots and legal advocacy, public education and outreach, and partnerships with community and environmental organizations, Indigenous groups, and public agencies. All activities are carried out without profit for its members, with any earnings used solely to promote its objectives.
Send your concerns to:
Please write your concerns in to these relevant government officials.
Chief Inspector of Mines
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
Honourable Adrian Dix
Minister of Energy & Climate Solutions
Kathy Wagar, Regional Director for South East Mines
Honourable Tamara Davidson
Minister of Environment & Parks
Tracy James, Executive Project Director - Environmental Assessment Operations
Tracey Janes, Project Assessment Director
Metal Mining, Environmental Assessment Operations
Linda Worley, Director, Electoral Area B/Lower Columbia-Old Glory - Regional District of the Kootenay Boundary
Minister of Transportation
Honourable Richard Cannings
MP for South Okanagan-West Kootenay
Andy Morel
Mayor of Rossland
Frank Marino
Mayor of the Village of Warfield
Colleen Jones
Mayor of the City of Trail